torsdag 2 mars 2017

Giraff i grönt

På vår scrappträff  som vi har en gång i månaden, fick jag chansen att köpa på min några av Malins textstämplar. Här ser du en av dem som följde med mig hem. Papper Reprint. 


4 kommentarer:

Malin E sa...

Men ÅH så fint Zora! Tagga gärna Malins stämålar på instagram!
Kram! <3

Felix the Crafty Cat sa...

This is so cute, love it to bits. Thanks for sharing this with us at Crafty Cardmakers and good luck with the challenge, Angela xXx

Unknown sa...

Very cute card. Thank you for joining us at The Crazy Challenge. Good luck and hope to see you again :) Valentina DT

Melanie sa...

A lovely card!
Thank you soo much for taking part in our "anything goes with optional use lots of green (St. Patrick’s Day)” challenge over at Creatalicious & good luck in the draw.
Hope to see you again in our new challenge as well…

(DT-Coordinator Creatalicious Challenges)

(DT Crafty Friends)

(DT The Sketchy Challenges)

PS: Sorry for the late comment, life had been very busy the past couple of weeks…